Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Covering a Flyers Game Live (Inside Access) Part 5

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Flyers - (Inside access)

Continuing with my notes about what it's like to cover a Flyers game from the press level:

When the third period buzzer sounds all members of the press head to the Flyers locker room level. From there the "main stars of the game" are brought in to be questioned by the media. An excellent team PR staff coordinates all of this activity in a manner that is indicative of respect and recognition of the importance the resulting publicity means for their business.

While there are a lot of bodies in the room, it is an organized affair. Each player is asked a number of questions as the next man up comes into the room. The remainder of the team is not in the room at that time.

What can't be seen in the camera's eye is the sheer volume of media. It's interesting to see just how successful the risk Ed Snider's took has been. Had his idea flopped, the Spectrum would have never been a stepping stone to the building of the Wells Fargo Center.

Hockey players are a generally courteous bunch. In many cases, this is indicative of their Canadian and Eastern European roots. In effect, these workers are using their specialized skills in the United States to the benefit of tens of millions of people and for themselves.

All of the historical photos on the walls of the locker room are reminiscent of the old Spectrum days. This sense of history certainly is felt by the players who see them every day.

After our time with the players had finished we then went to a separate press room, where coach Laviolette came to have his post-game press conference.

That is where we will pick up next time.

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