Thursday, September 26, 2013

Do you love a blank page?

Feel free to contact me if you feel that I can be of help to you, your family or friends. 

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I've always loved a blank page. 

Having the ability to fill an open space with ideas is exciting. Some people (including some writers) dread the thought of starting that first paragraph, chapter, story, book, or whatever. That has never been the case for me. 

Rationalizing reality

I also find it interesting that some people talk about the characters they create in fiction stories as though they were living human beings whose spirits they somehow channel through their minds, onto the page, and out into the world. (However we need to rationalize the processing of ideas that come from our individual life experiences and are transferred into written words, right?)

Writing is a method of talking by typing for me. Sometimes, it's also accomplished by pushing that old school pencil (or pen) across the page. 

Your talent comes from within you

Whatever stage you are at in your life, or career, be sure to keep one fact in mind: Your talent comes from within you. For some (including me) that means a balanced God-given, genetically received, and environmentally produced process. For others, it means something undefinable and vague.

Write, write, and then write some more. Through that process you'll learn if, or how, good you are. Depending upon how successful you are, public opinion will also serve to enlighten your ego along the way. 
(Image courtesy of


In the near future I'll be writing about a major media interview that highlights the illustrated children's book I wrote for the Children's Alopecia Project. 

An extensive Fox 29 Philadelphia television feature helped to announce the book's release this summer. Now, this next media splash will highlight our fall days. 

Use this link --->>Maddie: Teaching Tolerance with a Smile to see a free preview of the Amazon eBook edition. 

50% of all proceeds from the sale of the book (in both print and eBook forms) are being donated to the Children's Alopecia Project (CAP).

Feel free to use, or share, this link--->>Maddie: Teaching Tolerance with a Smile to purchase the printed book directly from CAP.

Thank you to Stacey Stauffer (Fox 29 Philadelphia). She interviewed Madison Woytovich, her parents (Jeff and Betsy Woytovich) and me recently about the latest chapter in this inspiring story. Here's a video link to Stacey's wonderful feature. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- is the number 1 online publishing platform in the world. That's why I used it to publish my first ebook: 

This mini-tome is a collection of stories and poems for readers who don't take themselves too seriously. I hope that you enjoy it and am always interested in your feedback. 

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